의회 외교 용어

의회 외교 용어

snow2022 2022. 11. 23. 11:40

의회외교 영문 표기집


2 0 2 0


. 국회 일반 ········································································· 1

 1. 일반 사항 ········································································ 1

 2. 의장단 ·············································································· 3

 3. 국회의원 ·········································································· 4

 4. 주요국 의회 ··································································· 7

 . 미국 ······················································································· 7

 . 영국 ······················································································· 7

 . 일본 ······················································································· 8

 . 중국 ······················································································· 8

 . 러시아 ··················································································· 9

 . 유럽의회 ··············································································· 9

 . 북한 ······················································································· 9

 . 기타 국가 의회 명칭 ······················································· 10

. 국회 위원회 ··································································· 27

 1. 상임위원회 ···································································· 27

 2. 특별위원회 ··································································· 27

 3. 직명 및 위원회 관련 용어 ······································· 29

. 국회 소속기관 ······························································· 31

 1. 국회사무처 ···································································· 31

 . 조직 ····················································································· 31

 . 소관 법인 및 단체 ··························································· 35


차 례



 2. 국회도서관 ··································································· 36

 . 조직 ····················································································· 36

 . 관련 용어 ··········································································· 37

 3. 국회예산정책처 ··························································· 39

 4. 국회입법조사처 ·····························································40

. 의사 및 의안 ································································· 43

 1. 의사 ················································································ 43

 2. 의안 ················································································ 49

. 의회외교 ········································································· 54

 1. 초청 및 방문 ······························································· 54

 2. 국제회의 ········································································ 61

 3. 의회외교 단체 ······························································ 63

 . 의원외교협의회 ································································· 63

 . -중 의회정기교류체제 ················································· 63

 . 의회외교포럼 ····································································· 64

 . 의원친선협회 ····································································· 65

 . 의원연맹 ············································································· 65

 Ⅵ. 의회 간 국제회의 ························································· 67

 1. 의회 정상급 국제회의 ··············································· 67

 2. 국제의회연맹 ································································ 67

 3. 아시아태평양의회포럼 ··············································· 72




 4. 기타 의회 간 국제회의 ············································· 73

 Ⅶ. 외교관 ············································································· 77

. 서한ㆍ결의문 등 영문 견본 ······································· 82

 1. 취임 축하 서한 ··························································· 82

 2. 조전 ················································································ 84

 3. 결의문 ············································································ 86

 4. 결의문 첨부 서한 ······················································· 92

 5. 초청장 ············································································ 94

 6. 연하장 ············································································ 98

 7. 명함 ·············································································· 100

 8. 이력서 ·········································································· 102

. 정당 및 선거 ······························································ 105

 1. 정당 ·············································································· 105

 2. 조직 및 직책 ····························································· 107

 3. 한국 정당 ···································································· 109

 . 21대 국회 주요 정당(가나다순) ·································· 109

 . 20대 국회 주요 정당 및 정당 연합(가나다순) ······· 109

 . 과거 주요 정당 ······························································· 111

 4. 주요국 정당 ······························································· 113

 . 미국 ··················································································· 113

 . 영국 ··················································································· 113




 . 일본 ··················································································· 114

 . 프랑스 ··············································································· 114

 . 중국 ··················································································· 115

 . 독일 ··················································································· 115

 . 러시아 ··············································································· 116

 . 유럽의회 정치그룹 ························································· 116

 5. 선거 ·············································································· 117

. 행정부ㆍ사법부ㆍ지방자치 ······································123

 1. 대통령 ·········································································· 123

 2. 국무총리·행정부 ····················································· 124

 3. 대법원 ·········································································· 127

 4. 헌법재판소 ································································· 128

 5. 지방자치 ······································································ 128

. 기타 ··············································································131

 1. 공무원 직위 및 직급 ··············································· 131

 2. 조약 ·············································································· 132

 3. 비자 및 여권 ····························································· 134

 . 비자 종류 ········································································· 134

 . 여권 종류 ········································································· 134

 . 비자 노트용 방문 목적 견본 ······································ 135


1 / 국회 일반

. 국회 일반

1. 일반 사항

국회: National Assembly

대한민국 국회: National Assembly of the Republic of Korea

e.g. The official name of the Korean parliament in English is the

 National Assembly of the Republic of Korea.

제헌국회: Constituent Assembly

임시의정원: Provisional Assembly

입법부: Legislative Branch, the Legislature

사법부: Judicial Branch, the Judiciary

행정부: Executive Branch, the Executive

권력 분립: Separation of Powers

견제와 균형: Checks and Balances

입법권: Legislative Power, Power to Make Laws

재정권: Power to Approve Budgets and Taxation, Power of the Purse

정부 감독권: Oversight /Scrutiny of the Government, Parliamentary

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 2

 Oversight, Power to Hold the Government to Account

단원제: Unicameral System / Legislature / Parliament, Single-House

 Legislative System, Unicameralism

양원제: Bicameral System / Legislature / Parliament, Two-House

 Legislative System, Bicameralism

상원: Upper House/Chamber

하원: Lower House/Chamber

의원내각제: Parliamentary System, Parliamentary Democracy

대통령제: Presidential System, Presidential Democracy


Dual Executive System, Semi-Presidential System

국회의사당: National Assembly Building

국회사무처: National Assembly Secretariat

국회도서관: National Assembly Library

국회예산정책처: National Assembly Budget Office (NABO)

국회입법조사처: National Assembly Research Service (NARS)

국회방송: National Assembly Television (NATV)

본관: Main Building

의원회관: Members' Office Building

소통관: National Assembly Communication Building

(National Assembly Press Center)

헌정기념관: National Assembly Memorial Hall

방문자센터: Visitor Center

의정관: National Assembly Annex Building (Uijeonggwan,

 NABO/NATV Building)

3 / 국회 일반

사랑재: Sarangjae (Traditional Korean House for VIP Dining)

국회 출입기자: National Assembly Correspondent

국회 출입기자단: National Assembly Press Corps

2. 의장단

국회의장: Speaker (of the National Assembly)

국회의장 지명자: Speaker-Designate

국회의장 직무대행: Acting Speaker

임시의장: Interim Speaker, Speaker Pro Tempore

(의장의) 정치적 중립:

Non-Partisanship / Political Impartiality (of the Speaker)

국회부의장: Deputy Speaker

의사봉: Gavel

의장 공관: Official Residence of the Speaker

공관장: General Manager of the Official Residence of the Speaker

의장실: Office of the Speaker

의장 비서실: Office of Secretaries to the Speaker

의장 비서실장: Chief of Staff

정무수석비서관: Senior Secretary for Political Affairs

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 4

정책수석비서관: Senior Secretary for Policy

공보수석비서관: Senior Secretary for Public Relations

정무조정비서관: Secretary for Political Affairs Coordination

정책기획비서관: Secretary for Policy Planning

연설비서관: Secretary for Speechwriting

수행비서: Personal Assistant

행정비서: Assistant for Administration

3. 국회의원

국회의원: Member of the National Assembly, Representative,

Member of Parliament (M.P.), Lawmaker, Legislator, Parliamentarian

현직 국회의원:

Incumbent /Sitting Member of the National Assembly

전직 국회의원: Former Member of the National Assembly

국회의원 당선자: Member-Elect, Representative-Elect

당선증: Certificate of Election

의원 선서: Swearing-In, Oath of Office

임기: Term

e.g. 4년 임기: 4-Year Term

세비: Salary / Pay and Allowances

지역구: Electoral District, Constituency

5 / 국회 일반

 e.g. 종로구 국회의원:

Member of the National Assembly from/for Jongno-gu

지역구 의원: Electorate / Constituency MP, Electorate Member

비례대표 의원: List MP, List Member

비례대표제: Proportional Representation (PR), Party-List System,

Party-List Proportional Representation

평의원: Rank-And-File MP, Backbench MP

소속 정당: Party Affiliation

무소속 의원: Independent (Member)

초선 의원:

First-Term Member, Freshman Lawmaker, Newly-Elected Member

초선 의원 의정연찬회:

New Member Orientation, Freshman Orientation

등원 첫 연설: Maiden Speech

재선/ 3/ 4선 의원 등:

Two-Term Member, Three-Term Member, Four-Term Member, etc.

e.g. He is a four-term Member of the National Assembly.

 He is serving his fourth term in the National Assembly.

 그는 4선 의원이다. 다선 의원: Senior Member, Long-Serving Member, Ranking Member

최다선 의원: Longest-Serving Member

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 6

최다선 연임 의원: Longest Continuously-Serving Member

재산 공개: Financial Disclosure

의원연구단체: Parliamentary Study Group, National Assembly Caucus

 e.g. 국회 4차산업혁명포럼:

National Assembly Forum on the 4

th Industrial Revolution

 국회 기후변화포럼:

National Assembly Forum on Climate Change

후원회: Political Donors’ /Supporters’ Group / Association

후원회 행사: Fundraiser, Fundraising Event

후원자: (Political) Donor / Contributor

후원금: (Political) Donation / Contribution

면책특권: Parliamentary Immunities and Privileges

불체포특권: Parliamentary Immunity / Privilege from / against Arrest

보좌관: Chief Advisor

정책보좌관: Chief Policy Advisor

정책특보: Special Advisor for Policy

비서관: Senior Secretary

비서: Secretary

7 / 국회 일반

4. 주요국 의회

. 미국

의회: Congress

상원: Senate

상원의장: President of the Senate

상원의원: Senator

하원: House of Representatives

하원의장: Speaker of the House

하원의원: Representative, Congressman, Congresswoman

의사당: Capitol Hill, the Hill

코리아코커스: Korea Caucus

미국의회한국연구모임: Congressional Study Group on Korea (CSGK)

. 영국

의회: Parliament

상원: House of Lords

상원의장: Lord Speaker

상원의원: Lord

하원: House of Commons

하원의장: Speaker of the House of Commons

하원의원: Member of Parliament (MP)

의사당: Palace of Westminster

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 8

-한 의원친선협회:

All-Party Parliamentary Group on the Republic of Korea

 e.g. APPG on Greater Manchester (광역맨체스터의원그룹)

 APPG on Social Enterprise (사회적기업의원그룹)

 APPG on Financial Education for Young People


 APPG on Global Security and Non-Proliferation


. 일본

의회: National Diet

참의원(상원): House of Councillors

참의원 의장: President of the House of Councillors

참의원 의원: Councillor

중의원(하원): House of Representatives

중의원 의장: Speaker of the House of Representatives

중의원 의원: Representative

의사당: National Diet Building

일한의원연맹: Japan-Korea Parliamentarians’ Union

. 중국

전국인민대표대회(전인대): National People's Congress (NPC)

상무위원회: Standing Committee (NPCSC)

상무위원장(국회의장): Chairman of the Standing Committee

대의원/인민대표(국회의원): Delegate, Deputy

인민대회당(국회의사당): Great Hall of the People

9 / 국회 일반

주석단: Presidium


Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)

. 러시아

의회: Federal Assembly

상원: Federation Council

상원의장: Chairman/Chairwoman of the Federation Council

하원: State Duma

하원의장: Chairman/Chairwoman of the State Duma

-한 의원협력그룹: Inter-Parliamentary Group on Interaction with

the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea

-한 의회간협력위원회: Inter-Parliamentary Commission between

the State Duma and the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea

. 유럽의회: European Parliament

유럽의회 의장: President of the European Parliament

유럽의회 의원: Member of the European Parliament (MEP)

유럽의회 한반도관계대표단:

Delegation for Relations with the Korean Peninsula (DKOR)

. 북한

최고인민회의: Supreme People’s Assembly (SPA)

상임위원회: Presidium

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 10

최고인민회의 의장(국회의장):

Chairman of the Supreme People’s Assembly

대의원(국회의원): Delegate/Deputy

만수대의사당(국회의사당): Mansudae Assembly Hall

국무위원회: State Affairs Commission (SAC)

조선로동당: Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK)


Democratic Front for the Reunification of Fatherland


Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea (CPRK)

통일전선부: United Front Department (UFD)


Korea Asia-Pacific Peace Committee

. 기타 국가 의회 명칭

과테말라: Congress of the Republic

그리스: Hellenic Parliament

남아프리카공화국: Parliament

상원: National Council of Provinces

하원: National Assembly

네덜란드: States General

상원: Senate

11 / 국회 일반

하원: House of Representatives

노르웨이: Parliament

뉴질랜드: House of Representatives

덴마크: Parliament

도미니카연방: House of Assembly

도미니카공화국: National Congress

상원: Senate

하원: Chamber of Deputies

독일: Parliament

상원: Federal Council (Bundesrat)

하원: Federal Diet (Bundestag)

루마니아: Parliament

상원: Senate

하원: Chamber of Deputies

말레이시아: Parliament

상원: Senate

하원: House of Representatives

멕시코: Congress of the Union

상원: Senate

하원: Chamber of Deputies

모로코: Parliament

상원: House of Councillors

하원: House of Representatives

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 12

몽골: State Great Hural

방글라데시: National Parliament

베네수엘라: National Assembly

베트남: National Assembly

벨기에: Federal Parliament

상원: Senate

하원: House of Representatives

불가리아: National Assembly

브라질: National Congress

상원: Federal Senate

하원: Chamber of Deputies

사우디아라비아: Shura Council 세네갈: National Assembly

스리랑카: Parliament

스웨덴: Parliament

스위스: Federal Assembly

상원: Council of States

하원: National Council

스페인: Parliament

상원: Senate

하원: Congress of Deputies

슬로바키아: National Council

13 / 국회 일반

싱가포르: Parliament

아랍에미리트: Federal National Council

아르헨티나: National Congress

상원: Senate

하원: Chamber of Deputies

아일랜드: Parliament (Oireachtas)

상원: Senate (Seanad Éireann)

하원: House of Representatives (Dáil Éireann)

알제리: Parliament

상원: Council of the Nation

하원: National People's Assembly

에콰도르: National Assembly

오스트리아: Parliament

상원: Federal Council

하원: National Council

요르단: Parliament

상원: Senate

하원: House of Representatives

우루과이: General Assembly

상원: Chamber of Senators

하원: Chamber of Representatives

우즈베키스탄: Supreme Assembly

상원: Senate

하원: Legislative Chamber

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 14

우크라이나: Parliament (Verkhovna Rada)

이란: Islamic Consultative Assembly

이스라엘: Knesset

이집트: House of Representatives

이탈리아: Parliament

상원: Senate

하원: Chamber of Deputies

인도: Parliament

상원: Council of States (Rajya Sabha)

하원: House of the People (Lok Sabha)

인도네시아: People’s Consultative Assembly (인니어 약어: MPR)

상원: Regional Representative Council (DPD)

하원: People’s Representative Council (DPR), House of Representatives

체코: Parliament

상원: Senate

하원: Chamber of Deputies

칠레: National Congress

상원: Senate

하원: Chamber of Deputies

카자흐스탄: Parliament

상원: Senate

하원: House of Representatives (Mazhilis)

캐나다: Parliament

15 / 국회 일반

상원: Senate

하원: House of Commons

케냐: National Assembly

코스타리카: Legislative Assembly

코트디부아르: Parliament

상원: Senate

하원: National Assembly

콜롬비아: Congress

상원: Senate

하원: House of Representatives

쿠웨이트: National Assembly

태국: National Assembly

상원: Senate

하원: House of Representatives

터키: Grand National Assembly

튀니지: Assembly of the Representatives of the People

파나마: National Assembly

파라과이: Congress

상원: Senate

하원: Chamber of Deputies

파키스탄: Parliament

상원: Senate

하원: National Assembly

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 16

페루: Congress of the Republic

포르투갈: Assembly of the Republic

폴란드: Parliament

상원: Senate

하원: Sejm

프랑스: Parliament

상원: Senate

하원: National Assembly

핀란드: Parliament

필리핀: Congress

상원: Senate

하원: House of Representatives

헝가리: National Assembly

호주: Parliament

상원: Senate

하원: House of Representatives


국회 위원회 / 27

. 국회 위원회

1. 상임위원회: Standing Committee

국회운영위원회: House Steering Committee

법제사법위원회: Legislation and Judiciary Committee

정무위원회: National Policy Committee

기획재정위원회: Strategy and Finance Committee

교육위원회: Education Committee


Science, ICT, Broadcasting and Communications Committee

외교통일위원회: Foreign Affairs and Unification Committee

국방위원회: National Defense Committee

행정안전위원회: Public Administration and Security Committee

문화체육관광위원회: Culture, Sports and Tourism Committee


Agriculture, Food, Rural Affairs, Oceans and Fisheries Committee

국회 위원회 / 27


Trade, Industry, Energy, SMEs and Startups Committee

보건복지위원회: Health and Welfare Committee

환경노동위원회: Environment and Labor Committee

국토교통위원회: Land, Infrastructure and Transport Committee

정보위원회: Intelligence Committee

여성가족위원회: Gender Equality and Family Committee

2. 특별위원회: Special Committee

상설특위: Permanent Special Committee

예산결산특별위원회: Special Committee on Budget and Accounts

주요 비상설 특위 사례

윤리특별위원회: Special Committee on Ethics

인사청문특별위원회: Special Committee on the Confirmation Hearing

 (on the Nomination of ~ )

헌법개정특별위원회: Special Committee on Constitutional Reform


Special Committee on Improving Inter-Korean Relations

정치개혁특별위원회: Special Committee on Political Reform

사법제도개혁특별위원회: Special Committee on Judicial Reform

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 28


Special Committee on Climate Change and Green Growth


Special Committee on Low Fertility and Population Aging


Special Committee on the Protection of Sovereignty over Dokdo

학교폭력대책특별위원회: Special Committee on School Violence


Special Committee on the Distortion of History in Northeast Asia


Special Committee on Livelihoods of the People


Special Committee on Local Finance and Decentralization

미래일자리특별위원회: Special Committee on Jobs of the Future

규제개혁특별위원회: Special Committee on Regulatory Reform

코로나19대책특별위원회: Special Committee on COVID-19

국회 위원회 / 29

3. 직명 및 위원회 관련 용어

위원장: Chairperson, Chairman, Chairwoman

간사: Vice Chairperson / Chairman / Chairwoman

위원: Member

위원회 배정: Committee Assignment

위원 교체: Substitution of Members

위원회 직원: Committee Staff

수석전문위원: Chief of Staff

전문위원: Deputy Chief of Staff

입법심의관: Chief Legislative Research Officer

입법조사관: Legislative Research Officer


국회 소속기관 / 31

. 국회 소속기관

1. 국회사무처: National Assembly Secretariat

. 조직

사무총장: Secretary General

입법차장: Deputy Secretary-General for Legislative Affairs

사무차장: Deputy Secretary-General for Administrative Affairs

 【사무총장 직속】


Director General of the Culture and Communication Office


Director of the Culture and Communication Division

공보기획관: Director General of the Public Relations Office

공보담당관: Director of the Public Relations Division

감사관: Inspector General

감사담당관: Inspection Officer

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 32

【입법차장 소속】

법제실: Legislative Counsel Office

법제실장: Director General of the Legislative Counsel Office


Deputy Director-General for Administrative Legislation

경제법제심의관: Deputy Director-General for Economic Legislation

법제관: Legislative Drafting Officer

법제총괄과: General Affairs and Coordination Division

사법법제과: Judicial Legislation Division

행정법제과: Administrative Legislation Division


Education, Science, ICT, and Culture Legislation Division

복지여성법제과: Welfare and Gender Equality Legislation Division


National Policy and Environmental Legislation Division

재정법제과: Financial Legislation Division


Industry, Agriculture, Forestry and Oceans Legislation Division


Land, Infrastructure and Transport Legislation Division

법제연구분석과: Legislative Research and Analysis Division

의사국: Proceedings Bureau

의사국장: Director General of the Proceedings Bureau

국회 소속기관 / 33

의사과: Proceedings Division

의안과: Bills Division

의정기록1: Stenography Division Ⅰ

의정기록2: Stenography Division Ⅱ

속기사: Stenographer

방송국: Broadcast Bureau

방송국장: Director General of the Broadcast Bureau

기획편성과: Broadcast Programming Division

방송제작과: Broadcast Production Division

방송기술과: Broadcast Technology Division

경호기획관실: Security Planning Office

경호기획관: Director General of the Security Planning Office

의회경호담당관: Director of the Parliamentary Security Division


Director of the Parliamentary Safety and Protection Division

국회민원지원센터: Legislative Request and Petition Center


Director of the Legislative Request and Petition Center

【사무차장 소속】

기획조정실: Planning and Coordination Office


Director General of the Planning and Coordination Office

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 34


Deputy Director-General for Legislative Information Services

비상계획관: Deputy Director-General for Emergency Planning

기획예산담당관: Planning and Budget Officer

행정법무담당관: Administrative and Legal Affairs Officer

입법정보화담당관: Legislative Information Systems Officer

비상계획담당관: Emergency Planning Officer

국제국: International Affairs and Protocol Bureau


Director General of the International Affairs and Protocol Bureau


Deputy Director-General of the International Affairs and Protocol Bureau

의회외교총괄과: Parliamentary Diplomacy Division

국제회의과: Inter-Parliamentary Conference Division

아시아태평양과: Asia-Pacific Affairs Division

유럽아프리카과: European & African Affairs Division

주재관(입법관): Legislative Attaché

의전관: Protocol Officer

의전통역관: Protocol Officer & Interpreter

국제협력관: Program Coordinator

관리국: Management and Maintenance Bureau


Director General of the Management and Maintenance Bureau

국회 소속기관 / 35


Deputy Director-General of the Management and Maintenance Bureau

관리과: Management Division

시설과: Facilities Division

설비과: Maintenance Division

의정연수원: Parliamentary Training Office

의정연수원장: Chief of the Parliamentary Training Office

연수원 교수: Professor

교육훈련과: Education and Training Division

의정연수과: Parliamentary Training Division

고성분원: Parliamentary Training Office Goseong Branch

인사과: Personnel Division

운영지원과: Management Support Division

. 소관 법인 및 단체

국회미래연구원: National Assembly Futures Institute

대한민국헌정회: Parliamentarians’ Society of the Republic of Korea

한국의회발전연구회: Korean Institute of Legislative Studies

한국정치학회: Korean Political Science Association

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 36

2. 국회도서관: National Assembly Library

. 조직

도서관장: Chief Librarian of the National Assembly

기획관리관실: Planning and Management Office

기획관리관: Director General of the Planning and Management Office

기획담당관: Director of the Planning Division

총무담당관: Director of the General Affairs Division

의회정보실: Parliamentary Information Office


Director General of the Parliamentary Information Office

정치행정정보과: Political and Administrative Information Division

경제사회정보과: Economic and Social Information Division

국외정보과: Foreign Resources Division

공공정책정보과: Public Policy Information Division

법률정보실: Law Library

법률정보실장: Director General of the Law Library

법률정보총괄과: Law Library Coordination Division

법률번역관리과: Legal Translation Management Division

외국법률정보과: Foreign Law Information Division

국내법률정보과: Domestic Law Information Division

정보관리국: Information Management Bureau

국회 소속기관 / 37


Director General of the Information Management Bureau

전자정보정책과: Digital Information Policy Division

데이터융합분석과: Data Convergence and Analysis Division

전자정보제작과: Digital Library DB Division

정보기술개발과: Information Technology Development Division

정보봉사국: Information Services Bureau

정보봉사국장: Director General of the Information Services Bureau

자료수집과: Acquisitions Division

자료조직과: Processing Division

열람봉사과: Library Services Division

국회기록보존소: National Assembly Archives

국회기록보존소장: Director of the National Assembly Archives

기록정책과: Archives and Records Policy Division

기록관리과: Archives and Records Management Division

. 관련 용어

열람실: Reading Room

의원열람실: Members' Reading Room

개인열람실: Individual Study Room

신문열람실: Newspaper Reading Room

정간열람실: Periodicals Reading Room

의회법령자료실: Parliamentary & Legal Documents Reading Room

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 38


International Organization & Unification Materials Reading Room

박사학위논문실: Doctoral & Master's Theses Reading Room

멀티미디어실: Multimedia Center

마이크로자료실: Microform Materials Reading Room

독도자료실: Dokdo Island Materials Reading Room

사서: Librarian

대출대: Circulation Counter /Desk

목록홀: Catalog Hall

분류: Classification

서고: Stacks

열람증: Reader's Ticket

문헌정보: Documentary Information

입법정보지원: Legislative Information Support

색인: Index

정보검색: Information Retrieval

단행본: Monograph, Monographic Publication

학위논문: Thesis, Dissertation

정기간행물: Periodicals

고서: Old Books

희귀서: Rare Books

전자도서관: Digital Library

국회 소속기관 / 39

3. 국회예산정책처: National Assembly Budget Office (NABO)

예산정책처장: Chief of the National Assembly Budget Office

기획관리관실: Planning and Management Department

총무담당관실: General Affairs Division

정책총괄담당관실: Policy Coordination Division

기획예산담당관실: Planning and Budget Division

예산분석실: Budget Analysis Department

예산분석실장: Director General of the Budget Analysis Department

사업평가심의관: Deputy Director-General for Program Evaluation

예산분석총괄과: Budget Analysis Coordination Division

산업예산분석과: Industrial Budget Analysis Division

사회예산분석과: Social Budget Analysis Division

행정예산분석과: Administrative Budget Analysis Division


Economic and Industrial Program Evaluation Division


Social and Administrative Program Evaluation Division

공공기관평가과: Public Institution Evaluation Division

추계세제분석실: Estimates and Tax Analysis Department


Director General of the Estimates and Tax Analysis Department

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 40

조세분석심의관: Deputy Director-General for Tax Analysis

추계세제총괄과: Estimates and Tax Coordination Division

경제비용추계과: Economic Cost Estimates Division

사회비용추계과: Social Cost Estimates Division

행정비용추계과: Administrative Cost Estimates Division

소득법인세분석과: Income and Corporate Tax Analysis Division

재산소비세분석과: Property and Consumption Tax Analysis Division

경제분석국: Economic Analysis Department

경제분석국장: Director General of the Economic Analysis Department

경제정책총괄과: Economic Policy Coordination Division

거시경제분석과: Macro-Economic Analysis Division

산업고용분석과: Industry and Employment Analysis Division

인구전략분석과: Population Strategy Analysis Division

4. 국회입법조사처: National Assembly Research Service (NARS)


Chief of the National Assembly Research Service

기획관리관실: Planning and Management Office

총무담당관실: General Affairs Division

기획법무담당관실: Planning and Legal Affairs Division

정치행정조사실: Political and Administrative Research Office

국회 소속기관 / 41


Director General of the Political and Administrative Research Office


Deputy Director-General for Political and Administrative Research

정치의회팀: Political and Parliamentary Affairs Team

법제사법팀: Legislation and Judiciary Team

외교안보팀: Foreign Affairs and National Security Team

행정안전팀: Public Administration and Security Team

경제산업조사실: Economic and Industrial Research Office


Director General of the Economic and Industrial Research Office

재정경제팀: Public Finance and Economy Team

금융공정거래팀: Finance and Fair Trade Team

산업자원팀: Industry and Resources Team

국토해양팀: Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs Team

사회문화조사실: Social and Cultural Research Office


Director General of the Social and Cultural Research Office


Deputy Director-General for Social and Cultural Research

교육문화팀: Education and Culture Team


Science, Broadcasting and Telecommunications Team


Health, Welfare, Family and Gender Equality Team

환경노동팀: Environment and Labor Team


의사 및 의안 / 43

. 의사 및 의안

1. 의사

의사: Proceedings

의사규칙: Standing Orders, Rules

의사일정: Order of Business, Agenda

의사일정 작성: Preparation/Establishment of the Order of Business

의사일정 변경: Amendment/Change to the Agenda

의사일정 미료 안건:

Uncompleted Items on the Agenda, Unfinished Business

의사록: Minutes, Journal, Summary Record (of the Proceedings)


Verbatim/Stenographic/Official Record (of the Proceedings)

안건: Agenda Item

접수: Receipt

회부: Referral

계류: Pending Agenda Item

부의: Putting/Placing/Laying an Agenda Item before the House

for Consideration

상정: Putting/Placing/Laying an Agenda Item on the Agenda

신속 처리 절차: Expedited/Fast-Track Procedure

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 44

안건 처리: Disposal of Business

우선순위: Priority of Business

동의(動議): Motion

 e.g. A: I move that we adopt all the technical amendments.

 기술적 수정안들을 모두 채택할 것을 제안합니다.

 B: I second the motion.

 재청합니다. 구두 동의: Verbal/Oral Motion

서면 동의: Written Motion, Motion in Writing

수정 동의: Amendment Motion

번안(재심) 동의: Motion to Reconsider

승인/반대 동의: Approval/Disapproval Motion

불신임 동의: Motion of No Confidence

견책/징계 동의: Censure Motion

(토론) 종결 동의: Closure/Cloture Motion

추모 동의: Condolence Motion

결의: Resolution

 e.g. 도쿄올림픽 욱일기반입금지결의문: Resolution Calling for

the Prohibition of the Use and Display of the Rising Sun

Flag at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games

회의 상황

개회식: Opening Ceremony

개회: Opening of the Session

개의(開議): Opening of the Meeting

개원: Opening of Parliament e.g. 21대 국회 개원: Opening of the 21st National Assembly

회기: Session

의사 및 의안 / 45

휴회: Recess

정회: Suspension

산회: Adjournment

폐회식: Closing Ceremony

회의 종류

정기회: Regular Session

임시회: Extraordinary Session

본회의: Plenary Session/Sitting

//: e.g. 21대 제379회 제1차 본회의: 1

st Plenary Sitting, 379th Session,

21st National Assembly

정례 회의: Regular Meeting

연석 회의: Joint Meeting

전원위원회: Committee of the Whole

상임위원회: Standing Committee

특별위원회: Special Committee

위원회 회의: Committee Meeting/Sitting

소위원회: Subcommittee

공청회: Public Hearing

인사/인준 청문회: Confirmation Hearing

의원 윤리 및 자격 심사

윤리특별위원회: Special Committee on Ethics

윤리 규정: Code of Ethics/Conduct

윤리 심사: Ethics Review, Examination on Ethics

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 46

자격 심사: Examination on Credentials/Qualification

조사 소위: Investigative Subcommittee

위반 혐의: Alleged Violation

고발: Complaint

피고발인: Respondent

징계: Disciplinary Action, Discipline

제명: Expulsion

겸직: Concurrent Office

퇴직: Retirement

사직(사임): Resignation

재직: Incumbency

궐원 통지: Notification of Vacancy

표결: Voting

기명 투표: Open Vote

무기명 투표: Secret Vote

전자 투표: Electronic Vote

호명 투표: Roll Call Vote

구두 투표: Voice Vote

기립 투표: Standing/Rising Vote

원격 투표: Remote Voting

당론 투표: Party-Line Vote, Vote along Party Lines

이탈표/반란표: Rebel, (Backbench) Revolt/Rebellion

자유 투표: Free Vote

정족수: Quorum

의사 정족수: Quorum for Opening a Meeting

의사 및 의안 / 47

의결 정족수: Quorum for Taking Decisions, Quorum for the

Adoption of Resolutions/Decisions

정족수 호명: Quorum Call

정족수 충족: Presence of Quorum

정족수 미달: Absence of Quorum

만장일치: Unanimity, Unanimous Decision

만장일치 동의: Unanimous Consent

다수결 원칙: Majority Rule

무효: Invalidity

가결: Passage, Approval

부결: Rejection

기권: Abstention

철회: Withdrawal

투표함: Ballot Box

명패함: Name-Card Box

개표: Vote Tallying, Ballot Counting

국정감사/ 조사

국정감사: Annual Parliamentary Inspection of Government

 Departments and Agencies

국정조사: Parliamentary Investigation/Inquiry/Probe

국정조사위원회: Committee of Investigation/Inquiry/Probe, Special

Investigative/Inquiry Committee e.g. 가습기살균제 사고 진상규명과 피해구제 및 재발방지 대책마련을

 위한 국정조사특별위원회:

 Special Investigative Committee on the Toxic Humidifier

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 48

 Disinfectant Case, Reparations and Remedies for Victims,

 and Measures to Prevent Recurrence

 금리조작 스캔들에 관한 국정조사:

 Parliamentary Inquiry into the Interest-Rate Fixing Scandal

증인 채택: Approval of the Witness List

증인 소환: Summoning of Witnesses

증인 면담: Witness Interview

소환장: Subpoena, Summons

증언: Testimony

선서 증언: Testimony under Oath

증거: Evidence

물적 증거: Physical Evidence

참고인: Reference

감정인: Expert, Appraiser

발언 및 질의

발언 허가: Recognition (to Speak from the Presiding Officer)

의사진행 발언: (Raise a) Point of Order

신상 발언: Speech on Personal Matters

보충 발언: Supplementary/Follow-Up Speech

5분 자유발언: Five-Minute Free Speech

무제한 토론(필리버스터): Filibuster

대정부 질문: Question Time, Question Period, Question Hour,

Oral Questions, Ministerial Question Time

긴급 현안 질의: Urgent Question, Question on Urgent Matters

구두 질의: Oral Question

서면 질의: Written Question

의사 및 의안 / 49

보충 질의: Supplementary/Follow-Up Question

시정 연설: State-of-the-Nation Address, Presidential Address

 Before the Regular Session of the National Assembly

 e.g. 2020년도 예산안에 대한 대통령 시정 연설:

 President’s Speech on the Fiscal Year 2020 Budget


의석 배치도: Seating Plan

재적의원: Members on the Register

출석의원: Members Present

방청: Observation

방청권: Ticket for the Public Gallery

청가: Request for Leave

2. 의안

의안: Bill, Proposal

법률안: (Legislative) Bill, Proposal

예산안: Budget/Finance Bill

추가경정예산안: Supplementary Budget Bill

결산: Settlement of Public Accounts

임명 동의(同意): (Parliamentary) Consent to the Appointment (of ~ )

비준 동의(同意):

Ratification Consent, (Parliamentary) Consent to the Ratification (of ~ )

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 50

해임 건의안: Motion for Removal from Office

결의안: Resolution

결의안 초안: Draft Resolution

탄핵안: Impeachment Motion

법률 체계

• 전문: Preamble

• 장: Chapter

• 절: Section

• 조: Article

• 항: Paragraph

• 호: Subparagraph

• 목: Item

• 부칙: Addendum

법률 조항: Provision

제정: Enactment

개정: Amendment, Revision

폐지: Abolition

계류 법안들: Pending Bills

미처리 법안들: Unfinished Bills

자동 폐기: (Automatic) Lapsing of Bills

자동 폐기 법안: (Automatically) Lapsed Bills

(법률의) 이행: Implementation

(법률의) 집행/시행: Enforcement

이행 입법: Implementing Legislation

위임 입법: Delegated/Secondary/Subordinate Legislation

• 대통령령: Presidential Decree

• 총리령: Ordinance of the Prime Minister

의사 및 의안 / 51

• 부령: Ministerial Ordinance

• 시행규칙: Enforcement Regulation

• 시행령: Enforcement Ordinance

청원: Petition

일반 청원(의원소개): Paper Petition

전자 청원: E-Petition

청원인: Petitioner, Petition Creator

청원 성립 서명인 기준: Threshold

입법 과정(입법 절차): Legislative Process / Procedure

입법 예고: Preliminary Announcement on Legislation

발의(제안): Proposition/Introduction of a Bill

발의자: (Primary) Sponsor

공동 발의자: Co-Sponsor

의안 번호: (Assigned) Bill Number

본회의 보고: Report to the Plenary Session

위원회 회부: Referral of a Bill to the Committee Concerned

위원회 회의: Committee Meeting/Sitting

공청회 개최: Holding a Public Hearing

위원회 심사: Committee Consideration/Examination/Deliberation

축조 심사: Clause-by-Clause Consideration

심사 보고서: Deliberation/Review/Committee Report

상정: Putting/Laying a Bill on the Table/Agenda

본회의 심사:

House Floor Consideration, Consideration by the Full House

찬반 토론: Debate

찬성측: Proponent(s)

반대측: Opponent(s)

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 52

의결: Vote on Final Passage

가결: Approval

부결: Rejection

정부 이송: Transmission to the Government

국무회의 상정: Presentation to the Cabinet Meeting

대통령 서명: Presidential Signature

공포: Promulgation

발효: Entry into Force

재의 요구: Request for Reconsideration

거부권 행사: Veto

거부권 무효화: Override of a Veto


의회외교 영문 표기집 / 54

. 의회외교

1. 초청 및 방문

의회외교: Parliamentary Diplomacy

대표단: Delegation

 e.g. 5인 대표단: 5-Member Delegation, Delegation of 5 MPs

대표단장: Head / Leader of (the) Delegation

 e.g. He is the head of the Korean delegation to the 142nd

 Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union.

 그는 제142 IPU 총회 대한민국 대표단장이다.

 Here is the list of heads of delegation.

 각국 대표단장 명단이다. 대표단원: Member of the Delegation, Delegate

대표단 구성: Composition of the Delegation

외빈: Foreign Dignitary

수행원: Delegation Secretary, Accompanying Staff (Member)

경호원: Security Officer /Guard

공식 방문: Official Visit

의회외교 / 55

국회의장 해외 순방: Speaker’s Official Overseas Visit

국회의장 (순방/ 방한) 대표단: Speaker-Led Delegation

 e.g. Indian Parliamentary Delegation Led by the Speaker of the

 Lok Sabha

 인도 하원의장이 이끄는 인도 의회 대표단

(국내) 초청 대표단: Incoming Delegation

(해외) 방문 대표단: Outgoing Delegation

선발대: Advance Team / Party

(방문 관련) 실무 협의: Working-Level Consultation (on the Visit)

의전: Protocol

의전 관행/ 절차/ 규칙: Protocol Practice / Procedure / Rule

의전 결례: Protocol Breach / Mistake

의전 서열: Order of Precedence, Protocol Order / Ranking

민항기/ 전세기/ 전용기/ 군용기:

Commercial / Charter(ed) / Private / Military Aircraft

영접 계획: Welcoming /Greeting Plan

영접 인사: Greeter

영접하다: Receive / Welcome /Greet the Delegation

환송하다: See off the Delegation, Bid Farewell to the Delegation

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 56


Passenger Boarding Bridge (PBB), Boarding / Air / Jet /Sky Bridge

브릿지 영접: Greeting at the Boarding Bridge

CIQ 출입증: CIQ Pass

VIP 전용 출입구: VIP Security Passage / Channel, VIP Exit / Entrance

입국신고서: Disembarkation / Arrival Card

출국신고서: Embarkation /Departure Card

세관신고서: Customs Declaration Card / Form

입국 수속: Immigration / Entry Procedure

대리 출입국 수속: Courtesy (Immigration & Customs) Clearance

출국 수속: Departure Procedure

수하물 수속: Baggage Check-In

수하물 표: Baggage Tag

여권 심사대: Passport Control

자동 출입국: Automated Passport Control, E-Passport Gate

수하물 찾는 곳: Baggage Claim / Reclaim (Area)

수하물 수취 벨트: Baggage Carousel

보안 검색: Security Screening / Check

의회외교 / 57

보안 검색 면제: Security Screening Exemption

의전실: VIP Lounge / Room /Suite

의전 주차장: VIP Parking Lot

모터케이드(경호· 의전 차량 행렬): Motorcade

경찰 선도차: Police Lead Car, Police Escort

사이드카: Police Motorcycle

교통 통제: Traffic Control

방탄차: Armored Vehicle

근접 경호 서비스: Close Protection Service

근접 경호 요원: Close Protection Officer / Agent

의전장: Chief of Protocol

의전관: Protocol Officer

언론 취재: Media Coverage

보도 자료: Press Release

방문 프로그램: Visit Program

공식 행사: Official Function / Event

예방: Courtesy Call

정문 도착: Arrival at the Main Gate

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 58

정현관 도착: Arrival at the Diplomatic Entrance

사무총장 영접: Delegation to Be Greeted by the Secretary General

방명록 서명: Signing on the Guest Book

공식 환영식: Official Welcoming Ceremony

환영단: Welcoming Committee

감사패 수여: Presentation of a Plaque of Appreciation

선물 교환: Exchange of Gifts, Gift Exchange

(선물) 간접 교환: Exchange of Gifts Between Protocol Officers

기념 촬영: (Group) Photo Session

본회의장 시찰: Tour of the Plenary Chamber

본회의 참관: Observation of a Plenary Session (from the VIP Gallery)

본회의 연설: Address to the National Assembly

환영 오· 만찬: Welcome Luncheon / Dinner

환송 오 만찬: Farewell Luncheon / Dinner

공식 오 만찬: Official Luncheon / Dinner

오찬장/ 만찬장: Luncheon / Dinner Venue

자유 오 만찬: Unofficial Luncheon /Dinner

복장 규정: Dress Code

의회외교 / 59

좌석 배치: Seating Arrangement / Plan, Protocol Seating

좌석 배치도: Seating Chart

탁상용 좌석 카드: Place Card

지정 좌석: Designated Seat

자유 착석: Open / Free Seating

기피 음식: Dietary Needs / Requirements, Food Allergies

주빈: Guest of Honor

식순: Program

환영사: Welcoming Remarks

답사: Remarks by the Guest of Honor

건배 제의: (Proposal of a) Toast by ~ 만찬 공연: Dinner Concert

일정표: Itinerary

참배: Paying Respects (at the National Cemetery)

헌화: Laying a Wreath (at the Korean War Memorial)

헌화식: Wreath-Laying Ceremony

국립서울현충원: Seoul National Cemetery

유엔묘지: United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea (UNMCK)

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 60

무명용사의 묘:

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Tomb of the Unknowns

전쟁기념관: War Memorial of Korea

DMZ 방문: Visit to the DMZ

산업시설 시찰: Visit to an Industrial Site

지원 범위: Scope of Assistance

상호주의: Reciprocity


양자 방문

 e.g. Report on the Visit to the Kingdom of Sweden

 스웨덴 방문 결과보고서

국제회의 참석

 e.g. Report on the Activities at the 142nd IPU Assembly

 142 IPU 총회 참석 결과보고서

위원회 시찰단: Committee Delegation

진상조사단/ 실사단: Fact-Finding Mission

일일 경비(일비): Per Diem (Allowance)

의회외교 / 61

2. 국제회의

국제회의 대표단: Delegation

e.g. Delegation to the 142nd IPU Assembly

 142 IPU 총회 대표단

대표단장: Head / Leader of Delegation

대표단원: Delegate

수행원: Delegation Secretary

연락관: Liaison Officer

국별 문서함: Pigeonhole

의제: Agenda

회의 프로그램: Program

본회의: Plenary Session

분과 회의: Breakout / Parallel Session

부대 행사: Side Event

현장 방문: Field Visit / Trip

환영 리셉션: Welcome Reception

개회식/ 폐회식: Opening / Closing Ceremony

개회사/ 폐회사: Opening / Closing Remarks

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 62

축사: Congratulatory Remarks

(잠정) 참석자 명단: (Provisional) List of Participants

기조연설: Keynote Speech / Address

기조연설자: Keynote Speaker

패널: Panelist

사회자: Moderator

좌장: Chair

(패널) 발표: Presentation

자유 토론: Open Discussion /Debate

발언: Intervention

발언 시간: Speaking Time

발언/ 연설 순서: Order of Speakers

발언자 명단: List of Speakers, Speakers’ List

공동선언문: Joint Statement / Communiqué /Declaration

회장/ 의장 성명: Presidential / Chair’s Statement

기자회견: Press Conference

양자 면담: Bilateral (Meeting)

배우자 프로그램: Spouse Program, Accompanying Persons’ Program

동시 통역: Simultaneous Interpretation

의회외교 / 63

순차 통역: Consecutive Interpretation

이중 통역: Relay Interpretation

3. 의회외교 단체

. 의원외교협의회: Inter-Parliamentary Council

-미 의원외교협의회: Korea-US Inter-Parliamentary Council

-유럽연합(EU) 의원외교협의회: Korea-EU Inter-Parliamentary Council

-러 의원외교협의회: Korea-Russia Inter-Parliamentary Council

-중 의원외교협의회: Korea-China Inter-Parliamentary Council

회장: President

부회장: Vice President

간사장: Chief Executive Member

회원: Member

. -중 의회정기교류체제:

Korea-China Regular Inter-Parliamentary Exchange

회장: President

부회장: Vice President

간사장: Chief Executive Member

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 64

. 의회외교포럼

-미 의회외교포럼:

Parliamentary Diplomacy Forum on the United States

-중 의회외교포럼: Parliamentary Diplomacy Forum on China

-일 의회외교포럼: Parliamentary Diplomacy Forum on Japan

남북 의회교류포럼: Inter-Korean Parliamentary Exchange Forum

-러시아독립국가연합(CIS) 의회외교포럼:

Parliamentary Diplomacy Forum on Russia and the CIS

-유럽연합(EU) 의회외교포럼: Parliamentary Diplomacy Forum on the EU

-아프리카 의회외교포럼: Parliamentary Diplomacy Forum on Africa

-중남미 의회외교포럼:

Parliamentary Diplomacy Forum on Latin America and the Caribbean

-아세안 의회외교포럼:

Parliamentary Diplomacy Forum on the ASEAN

-중동 의회외교포럼: Parliamentary Diplomacy Forum on the Middle East

-영국영연방 의회외교포럼:

Parliamentary Diplomacy Forum on the United Kingdom and the


-남아시아 의회외교포럼:

Parliamentary Diplomacy Forum on South Asia

의회외교 / 65

. 의원친선협회: Parliamentary Friendship Group

 e.g. -캐나다 의원친선협회:

 Korea-Canada Parliamentary Friendship Group

회장: President

부회장: Vice President

이사: Executive Member

. 의원연맹

한일의원연맹: Korea-Japan Parliamentarians' Union

회장: President

부회장: Vice President

간사장: Chief Executive Member

간사: Executive Member

국회스카우트의원연맹: Korea Scout Parliamentary Association


Korean Parliamentary League on Children, Population and

Environment (CPE)


Parliamentary Union of the International Conference of Asian

Political Parties


International Parliamentarians’ Coalition for North Korean

Refugees and Human Rights (IPCNKR)


의회 간 국제회의 / 67

. 의회 간 국제회의

1. 의회 정상급 국제회의

세계국회의장회의: World Conference of Speakers of Parliament

G20 의회정상회의: G20 Parliamentary Speakers’ Summit (P20)


Meeting of Speakers of Eurasian Countries’ Parliaments (MSEAP)

믹타국회의장회의: MIKTA Speakers’ Consultation

2. 국제의회연맹(Inter-Parliamentary Union, IPU)

연맹 회장: President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union

총회 의장: President of the Assembly

e.g. President of the 142nd Assembly

 142차 총회 의장

회원국: Member

준회원국: Associate Member

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 68

상임 옵서버: Permanent Observer

회원 가입/ 재가입: Affiliation / Reaffiliation

분담금: Contribution

연체 분담금: Arrears

대표단: Delegation

대표단장: Head of Delegation

대표단원: Delegate

국별 IPU 그룹: National Group

규약: Statutes

규칙: Rules

잠정 의제: Provisional Agenda

결의안 초안: Draft Resolution

결의안 제안설명: Explanatory Memorandum

결의안 기초위원회: Drafting Committee

결의안 통합: Merging of Draft Resolutions

결의안 철회: Withdrawal of a Resolution

결의안 회람: Circulation of a Resolution

(주요) 제안국: (Main) Sponsor

공동 제안국: Co-Sponsor

의회 간 국제회의 / 69

긴급의제: Emergency Item

회장 성명: Presidential Statement

일반토론: General Debate

비공개 회의: In-Camera Meeting /Session

총회: Assembly

평화· 국제안보위원회(1상임위):

Committee on Peace and International Security

지속가능발전위원회(2상임위): Committee on Sustainable Development

민주주의· 인권위원회(3상임위):

Committee on Democracy and Human Rights

유엔위원회(4상임위): Committee on United Nations Affairs

상임위원회: Standing Committee

• 위원장: President

• 부위원장: Vice-President

• 임원단: Bureau

• 공동 보고관: Co-Rapporteur

• 정위원: Titular Member

• 교체위원: Substitute Member

관리이사회: Governing Council

국회의원인권위원회: Committee of the Human Rights of Parliamentarians

중동문제위원회: Committee on Middle East Questions

사이프러스조정그룹: Group of Facilitators for Cyprus

국제인도주의법위원회: Committee to Promote Respect for International

 Humanitarian Law

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 70

보건자문그룹: Advisory Group on Health

테러 및 폭력적 극단주의 척결 고위급 자문그룹: High-Level Advisory

Group on Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism

여성의원포럼: Forum of Women Parliamentarians

• 여성의원포럼 회장:

President of the Forum of Women Parliamentarians

• 여성의원포럼 임원단: Bureau of Women Parliamentarians

청년의원포럼: Forum of Young Parliamentarians

• 청년의원포럼 회장:

President of the Forum of Young Parliamentarians

• 청년의원포럼 임원단:

Board of the Forum of Young Parliamentarians

집행위원회: Executive Committee (ExCom)

집행위원장: President

당연직 집행위원: Ex Officio Member

집행위원: Member of the Executive Committee

양성파트너십그룹: Gender Partnership Group

재무소위원회: Sub-Committee on Finance

사무국: Secretariat

사무총장: Secretary General

IPU 뉴욕 사무소:

Office of the Permanent Observer of the IPU to the United Nations

지정학적그룹: Geopolitical Groups

아프리카그룹: African Group(52개국)

아랍그룹: Arab Group(21개국)

의회 간 국제회의 / 71

아시아태평양그룹: Asia-Pacific Group(36개국)

• 아세안+3: ASEAN+3

유라시아그룹: Eurasia Group(9개국)

중남미그룹: Group of Latin America and the Caribbean (GRULAC)(24개국)

트웰브플러스그룹: Twelve Plus Group(47개국)

의회사무총장협회: Association of Secretaries General of Parliaments (ASGP)

회장: President

부회장: Vice-President

집행위원회: Executive Committee

운영위원회: Bureau

공동 간사: Joint Secretaries

IPU 주최 주요 국제회의

유엔총회 중 의원회의:

Annual Parliamentary Hearing at the United Nations

여성지위위원회 회의 중 의원회의

 e.g. Parliamentary Meeting on the Occasion of the 64th Session

 of the Commission on the Status of Women

 64차 여성지위위원회 회의 중 의원회의

WTO에 관한 의원회의: Parliamentary Conference on the WTO

유엔기후변화회의 중 의원회의

 e.g. Parliamentary Meeting on the Occasion of the 26th UN

 Climate Change Conference

 26차 유엔기후변화회의 중 의원회의

세계전자회의컨퍼런스: World e-Parliament Conference

세계청년의원회의: Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 72

 3. 아시아태평양의회포럼(Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum, APPF)

연례 총회: Annual Meeting

APPF 회장: President of the APPF

총회 의장: Chairman of the Annual Meeting

명예 회장: Honorary President

집행위원회: Executive Committee

집행위원장: Chairman

소지역: Sub-Regions

여성의원회의: Meeting of Women Parliamentarians

여성의원회의 의장: Chair of the Meeting of Women Parliamentarians

본회의: Plenary Session

1차 본회의(정치· 안보):


st Plenary Session (Political and Security Matters)

2차 본회의(경제· 무역):


nd Plenary Session (Economic and Trade Matters)

3차 본회의(역내 협력):


rd Plenary Session (Regional Cooperation on the Asia-Pacific Region)

기초위원회: Drafting Committee

기초위원회 위원장: Chair of the Drafting Committee

의회 간 국제회의 / 73

결의안 초안: Draft Resolution

부분적 유보: Partial Reservation

공동선언문: Joint Communiqué

공동선언문 서명: Signing of the Joint Communiqué

깃발 인수인계: Handover of the APPF Flag to the Next Host

의장 성명: Chairman’s Statement

워킹그룹: Working Group

 4. 기타 의회 간 국제회의

아세안의회연맹: ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)


Asia-Europe Parliamentary Partnership Meeting (ASEP)


Korea-US-Japan Trilateral Legislative Exchange Program (TLEP)

나토의회연맹: NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA)

OECD 글로벌의회네트워크 회의:

Meeting of the OECD Global Parliamentary Network


International Forum on the Development of Parliamentarianism

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 74

지속가능발전에 관한 세계의회포럼:

World Parliamentary Forum on Sustainable Development

아시아의회연맹: Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA)

아시아태평양의원연맹: Asia-Pacific Parliamentarians’ Union (APPU)


Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)

유럽안보협력기구(OSCE)의회연맹: OSCE Parliamentary Assembly


Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the Member Nations of the

Commonwealth of Independent States (IPA CIS)

지중해지역의회연맹: Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM)

영연방의회연합: Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)


Parliamentary Union of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation

Member States (PUIC)

아프리카의회연맹: African Parliamentary Union (APU)

미주의회연맹: Confederation of Parliaments of the Americas (COPA)

중남미의회: Latin American Parliament (Parlatino)

아랍의회연맹: Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union (AIPU)


Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic

Cooperation (PABSEC)

의회 간 국제회의 / 75

프랑스어권국가의회연맹: Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie


Parliamentary Assembly of the Turkic Speaking Countries (TURKPA)


Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC)


Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (PNND)


외 교 관 / 77

. 외교관

계급 서열: Diplomatic Rank

특명전권대사: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary

대사: Ambassador

대사 지명자: Ambassador-Designate

대사관: Embassy

대사 관저: Ambassador’s Residence

대사관 청사: Chancery

 (building that houses a diplomatic mission or an embassy)

국제기구 대표부 대사: Permanent Representative (PR) e.g. 주유엔 대한민국 대표부 대사:

Permanent Representative of the Republic of Korea to the

United Nations

국제기구 대표부: Permanent Mission e.g. 주유엔 대한민국 대표부:

Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the United


의회외교 영문 표기집 / 78

상주 대사: Ambassador-In-Residence

비상주 대사: Non-Resident Ambassador

무임소 대사: Ambassador-At-Large

공관장: Chief / Head of Mission

대리대사: Chargé d'Affaires Ad Hoc, Chargé d'Affaires En Pied

대사대리: Chargé d'Affaires Ad Interim

공관 차석: Deputy Chief of Mission (DCM), Deputy Head of Mission

전권공사: Minister Plenipotentiary

공사: Minister

공사참사관: Minister-Counselor

참사관: Counselor

1등서기관: First Secretary

2등서기관: Second Secretary

3등서기관: Third Secretary

주재관: Attaché

무관: Defense /Military Attaché

총영사관: Consulate-General

영사관: Consulate

외 교 관 / 79

총영사: Consul-General

부총영사: Deputy Consul-General

영사: Consul

부영사: Vice Consul

명예영사: Honorary Consul

직업 외교관: Career Diplomat

특임 공관장: Political Appointee

외교단: Diplomatic Corps

외교단장: Dean of the Diplomatic Corps

(외교단) 의전 서열: (Order of) Precedence

외교 차량: Diplomatic Vehicle

접수국: Receiving State, Host Country

파견국: Sending State, Home Country

아그레망: Agrément

신임장: Letter of Credence, Credentials

대사 파견/ 임명 (절차): Accreditation

e.g. The Ambassador is accredited to multiple countries.

 그 대사는 여러 국가를 겸임하고 있다.

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 80

겸임: Dual Accreditation

e.g. The Canadian Ambassador in Seoul is cross-accredited to the DPRK.

 서울 주재 캐나다 대사는 북한을 겸임하고 있다. 치외법권: Extraterritoriality

외교 특권과 면제: Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities

이익대표국: Protecting Power

이익대표부: Interests Section

연락사무소: Liaison Office

(외교상) 기피인물: Persona Non Grata (PNG)

초치: (Diplomatic) Summons(es)

(본국) 소환: Recall

추방: Expulsion

맞추방: Tit-For-Tat Expulsion

재외 공관 근무 기간: Tour of Duty

특수지 근무: Hardship Post

외교 문서: Diplomatic Correspondence

외교 공문: Diplomatic Note, Note Verbale

외교 전문: Diplomatic Cable

외교 행낭: Diplomatic Pouch / Bag


의회외교 영문 표기집 / 82

. 서한 · 결의문 등 영문 견본

대한민국 국회의장

슬로바키아 공화국

보리스 콜라르 국회의장 귀하

존경하는 의장님, 의장님께서 이번에 슬로바키아 국회의장으로 새로이 선출되신 것을 진심으로 축하

드립니다. 의장님의 뛰어난 리더십 하에 슬로바키아 국회가 더욱 발전하기를

바랍니다. 한국과 슬로바키아는 1993년 수교 이래 다양한 분야에서 우호협력 관계를 지속

적으로 발전시켜 왔습니다. 지난 해 9월 대한민국 국회의장으로서 슬로바키아를

공식 방문하여 여러 주요 인사들과 유익한 대화를 나눈 것을 뜻깊게 생각합

니다. 앞으로 의장님과 함께 양국 의회 간 보다 긴밀하고 활발한 교류ㆍ협력을

통해 양국관계 발전을 도모해 나갈 수 있기를 희망합니다. 의장님께 최대의 경의를 표하며, 건강과 행운이 늘 함께 하기를 기원합니다.

 2020 4 2

 국회의장 문 희 상

1. 취임 축하 서한

서한 결의문 등 영문 견본 / 83



(Courtesy Translation)

April 2, 2020

His Excellency Boris Kollár

Speaker of the National Council

Slovak Republic


On behalf of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea, I would like to extend my

heartfelt congratulations on your election as the Speaker of the National Council of the

Slovak Republic. I hope that the Parliament of Slovakia will continue to prosper under

your able leadership.

I am delighted to take this opportunity to acknowledge the remarkable development of our

bilateral relationship in a wide range of areas since the establishment of diplomatic

relations in 1993. In particular, I attach great significance to the fruitful discussion that I

had with the leaders of Slovakia during my official visit in September last year. I look

forward to working with you to promote close and vibrant exchange and cooperation

between our two parliaments and contribute to the further development of our bilateral


Offering the assurances of my highest consideration, I wish you good health and all the

best as you take up the responsibilities and challenges of your high office.

Yours sincerely,


Moon Hee-sang

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 84

대한민국 국회의장


페니아나 라라바라부 주한 대사 귀하

친애하는 대사님, 지코 루베니 피지공화국 국회의장님의 안타까운 서거 소식을 접하고

대한민국 국회와 국민을 대표하여 깊은 애도의 말씀을 드립니다. 루베니 의장님께서는 피지 최초의 여성 국회의장으로서 취임 이래

국민들로부터 두터운 신망을 받으며 의회민주주의의 발전을 위해

헌신하신 위대한 지도자였습니다. 특히 의장님께서는 한국과 피지

양국 의회 간 우호협력 강화와 의회 지도자 간 교류를 위해 각별한

노력을 기울여 오신 분으로 그 업적으로 오래도록 기억될 것입니다. 피지 국민들과 유가족 여러분께 다시 한 번 저와 우리 국민들의 깊은

조의와 위로의 뜻을 전하여 주시기 바라며, 의장님의 영면을 기원합니다.

2018 12 31

국회의장 문 희 상

2. 조전

서한 결의문 등 영문 견본 / 85



(Courtesy Translation)

December 31, 2018

Her Excellency Peniana Lalabalavu

Ambassador of the Republic of Fiji to the Republic of Korea

Dear Madam Ambassador,

I was deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Dr. Jiko Luveni, Speaker of the Parliament

of the Republic of Fiji. On behalf of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea and

the Korean people, I wish to extend my deepest condolences on the loss of the great leader.

As the first woman to hold the position of the Speaker of the Fijian parliament, Dr. Luveni

gained great trust from the public and dedicated herself to the development of

parliamentary democracy. In particular, she made considerable efforts to strengthen

friendship and cooperation and promote the exchanges of parliamentary leaders between

the legislatures of our two countries. Her legacy will live on for long.

I extend my most sincere sympathy and condolences to the people of Fiji and the bereaved

family members. May her soul rest in eternal peace.

 Yours sincerely,


 Moon Hee-sang

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 86

2020 도쿄 하계올림픽대회 및 하계패럴림픽대회에서의

욱일기 경기장 내 반입금지 조치 촉구 결의문

대한민국 국회는 제2차 세계대전 당시 일본이 제국주의와 군국주의의 상징으로 사용한 바 있는

욱일기가 2008 베이징 하계올림픽대회 이래 2018 자카르타-팔렘방 하계아시아경기대회에 이

르기까지 많은 국제경기대회에서 경기장 내에 응원도구로 반입되어 사용되어 온 현실에 깊은

유감을 표명한다. 특히 2020년에 개최될 하계올림픽대회 및 하계패럴림픽대회는 일본 도쿄에서 개최되는바, 대회 경기장에서 선수단 또는 관중 등이 욱일기를 응원도구 등으로 사용하는 행위가 규제되지

않을 수 있다는 점이 우려된다. 대한민국 국회는 체육을 통한 세계 평화의 장이 되어야 할 2020 도쿄 하계올림픽대회 및

하계패럴림픽대회에서 침략과 전쟁의 상징인 욱일기가 경기장 내에 반입되어 응원도구로 사

용되는 행위가 근절되도록 촉구하기 위하여 다음과 같이 결의한다. 1. 대한민국 국회는 올림픽 및 패럴림픽 등 국제경기대회에서 경기장 내에 욱일기와 욱일

기를 활용한 유니폼 및 소품을 반입하여 응원도구로 사용함으로써 과거 제국주의 침략의 대

상이 된 국가들의 아픈 기억을 자극하는 행위에 깊은 유감을 표명한다.

 2. 대한민국 국회는 국제올림픽위원회(IOC)와 국제패럴림픽위원회(IPC), 도쿄 올림픽 및

패럴림픽 조직위원회(TOCOG) 2020 도쿄 하계올림픽대회 및 하계패럴림픽대회 기간을 전

후하여 경기장 내에서 욱일기와 욱일기를 활용한 유니폼 및 소품을 반입하거나 이를 활용하

여 응원하는 행위를 금지할 것을 촉구한다.

 3. 대한민국 국회는 대한민국 정부가 국제사회에 일본의 욱일기가 가지는 제국주의적 의

미를 적극적으로 알리고, 국제경기대회뿐만 아니라 모든 공식적인 국제행사에서 욱일기가 사

용되지 않도록 적극적인 외교적 노력을 경주할 것을 촉구한다.

 2019 9 30

 대한민국 국회

3. 결의문

서한 결의문 등 영문 견본 / 87

Resolution Calling for the Prohibition of the Use and Display

of the Rising Sun Flag at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games

Adopted by the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea on September 30, 2019

The National Assembly of the Republic of Korea,

Expressing its deep regret over the use and display of the Rising Sun Flag, a symbol of Japanese

imperialism and militarism during World War Ⅱ, in a number of international sporting events, including

the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics and the Jakarta-Palembang 2018 Asian Games,

Deeply concerned that it might be more difficult to regulate the use and display of the flag by athletes

or spectators in stadiums, since Japan is the host of the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games,

Believing that the symbol of Japanese invasion and wartime atrocities must not be allowed in stadiums

during the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, as Olympic and Paralympic Games are highly

regarded as a venue for promoting world peace through sports,

1. Expresses its deep regret over acts of using and displaying the Rising Sun Flag in international

sporting events, such as Olympic and Paralympic Games, which conjures up traumatic memories to

those nations that suffered under Japanese imperialism;

2. Urges the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the International Paralympic Committee (IPC),

and the Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (TOCOG) to prohibit acts

of wearing uniforms featuring the Rising Sun Flag or using the flag as a cheering item in stadiums during

the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games; and

3. Urges the Korean government to raise awareness about the meaning of the Rising Sun Flag as a

symbol of imperialism in the international community and make every effort on the diplomatic front to

ban the use and display of the flag not just in international sporting events but also in all official

international functions and events.

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 88

북한의 장거리 미사일 발사 규탄 결의문

대한민국 국회는 북한이 우리나라와 국제사회의 거듭된 경고에도 불구하고 2016 1 6

4차 핵실험에 이어 2016 2 7일 장거리 미사일 발사를 강행한 것은 탄도 미사일 기술을

이용한 어떠한 발사도 금지하는 유엔 안보리 결의를 명백히 위반한 것으로 한반도뿐 아니라

동북아시아, 나아가 국제사회의 평화와 안보를 위협하는 행위이자 남북 간 대결과 긴장국면을

조성하는 무모한 도발행위로 규정하고 이를 강력히 규탄한다. 현재 북한의 제4차 핵실험에 따른 유엔 안보리 제재 결의가 논의되는 상황에서 북한의 장

거리 미사일 발사 강행은 국제사회에 대한 정면 도전으로서 국제사회의 인식을 악화시켜 북

한의 고립을 더욱 심화시킬 뿐으로, 이로 인해 겪게 될 대가는 전적으로 북한 당국의 책임이라는

점을 엄중히 경고하며, 북한이 핵실험, 장거리 미사일 발사 등 도발을 중단하고 핵 및 미사일 프로그램을 포기하여

국제사회의 책임 있는 일원으로 복귀할 것과, 대한민국 정부가 강력하고 확고한 안보태세를

강구하고 국제사회와 긴밀히 협력하여 유엔 안보리 결의를 포함한 강력하고 실효적인 제재를

도출하도록 노력할 것을 촉구하면서 다음과 같이 결의한다.

 1. 대한민국 국회는 북한이 우리나라와 국제사회의 거듭된 경고에도 불구하고 제4차 핵실험에

이어 장거리 미사일 발사를 강행한 것은 유엔 안보리 결의를 명백히 위반한 것으로 한반도를

위시한 국제사회의 평화와 안보를 위협하는 무모한 도발행위로 규정하고 이를 강력히 규탄한다.

 2. 대한민국 국회는 북한의 장거리 미사일 발사 강행은 국제사회에서의 북한의 고립을 더욱

심화시킬 뿐으로, 이로 인해 겪게 될 대가는 전적으로 북한 당국의 책임이라는 점을 엄중히 경

고하며, 북한이 핵실험, 장거리 미사일 발사 등 도발을 중단하고 핵 및 미사일 프로그램을 포

기하여 국제사회의 책임 있는 일원으로 복귀할 것을 강력히 촉구한다. 3. 대한민국 국회는 대한민국 정부가 국민의 생명과 국가의 안보를 위협하는 북한의 어떠한

도발과 위협에도 대처하기 위한 강력하고 확고한 안보태세를 강구할 것을 요구하며, 국제사

회와 긴밀히 협력하여 유엔 안보리 결의를 포함한 강력하고 실효적인 제재를 도출함과 동시에

핵문제를 포함한 남북 당국 간 대화 재개 등 모든 노력을 다할 것을 촉구한다.

서한 결의문 등 영문 견본 / 89

 4. 대한민국 국회는 북한의 도발행위를 결코 용납하지 않을 것임을 다짐하고, 대한민국 정

부와 국제사회의 대응책 마련에 초당적으로 협력할 것이며, 한반도의 안정과 평화 정착 및 북

핵문제의 근본적 해결을 위하여 북한을 변화시키고 국민적 힘과 지혜를 모으는 데 앞장설 것

임을 천명한다.

 2016 2 10

 대한민국 국회

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 90

Resolution Condemning North Korea’s Long-Range Missile Launch

 Adopted by the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea on February 10, 2016

The National Assembly of the Republic of Korea,

Condemning in the strongest terms North Korea’s long-range missile launch on February 7 following

its 4

th nuclear test on January 6, 2016, both of which were conducted despite repeated warnings from the

international community in a clear violation of the U.N. Security Council resolutions banning the regime

from using ballistic missile technology and constitute reckless provocations, posing a threat to peace and

security not just on the Korean Peninsula but also in Northeast Asia and the globe and heightening

confrontation and tension between the two Koreas,

Sternly warning that the North Korean authorities are fully accountable for the price that the regime

will pay for the launch of the long-range missile, which was carried out in defiance of the international

community as the United Nations Security Council had been discussing a sanctions resolution in the

wake of Pyeongyang’s 4

th nuclear test, a move that will result in the aggravated global perception of

North Korea and drive the country deeper into isolation in the international community,

Urging North Korea to return to the international community as a responsible member by ceasing

nuclear and long-range missile tests and other provocations and abandoning its nuclear and missile


Calling on the Korean government to build a robust security posture and work in close consultation

with the international community to come up with tough and substantive sanctions, including a

resolution at the Security Council,

1. Condemns in the strongest terms North Korea’s long-range missile launch following its 4

th nuclear

test, both of which were conducted despite repeated warnings from the international community in a

clear violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions and constitute reckless provocations, posing a threat

to peace and security not just on the Korean Peninsula but also in the globe;

서한 결의문 등 영문 견본 / 91

2. Urges North Korea to return to the international community as a responsible member by ceasing

nuclear and long-range missile tests and other provocations and abandoning its nuclear and missile

programs, sternly warning that the North Korean authorities are fully accountable for the price that the

regime will pay for the launch of the long-range missile, a move which will drive the country deeper into

isolation in the international community;

3. Calls on the Korean government to build a robust security posture to guard against any provocation

by Pyeongyang that poses a threat to the Korean people and its national security, work in close

consultation with the international community to come up with tough and substantive sanctions,

including a resolution at the Security Council, and exert every effort to resume inter-Korean dialogue on

matters concerning the Korean Peninsula, including the North Korean nuclear issue; and

4. Pledges to never condone any provocative action by North Korea, cooperate in a bipartisan manner

with the Korean government and the international community to draw up plans to respond to the North’s

provocations, and take the lead in bringing about change in North Korea and putting together the power

and wisdom of the Korean people to bring peace and stability to the Korean Peninsula and find a

fundamental solution to the North Korean nuclear issue.

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 92

대한민국 국회의장


토마스 바흐 위원장 귀하

대한민국 국회는 2019 9 30일 「2020 도쿄 하계올림픽대회 및

하계패럴림픽대회에서의 욱일기 경기장 내 반입금지 조치 촉구 결

의안」을 채택하였습니다. 이에 대한민국 국회를 대표하여 본 결의문을 송부하오니, 귀하와

국제올림픽위원회(IOC)의 적극적인 협조와 관심을 부탁드립니다. 귀하의 건강과 행복을 기원합니다.

 2019 10

 국회의장 문희상

4. 결의문 첨부 서한

서한 결의문 등 영문 견본 / 93



(Courtesy Translation)

October, 2019

His Excellency Thomas Bach

President of the International Olympic Committee

Dear Mr. President,

It is a great honor for me to enclose herewith the Resolution Calling for the Prohibition of

the Use and Display of the Rising Sun Flag at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic

Games, which was adopted by the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea on

September 30, 2019.

We would highly appreciate support and cooperation from you and the International

Olympic Committee.

Please accept the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

Yours sincerely,


Moon Hee-sang

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 94

신춘음악회 리셉션

2019년 국회 신춘음악회 리셉션을 아래와 같이 개최하오니

부디 참석하시어 자리를 빛내주시기 바랍니다. 일시: 2019 1 29 () 저녁 7

장소: 국회의사당 본관 3층 별실3

국회사무총장 유인태

참석여부: 의회외교총괄과(788-4853)

복장: 정장

*정현관에서 본 입장카드를 제시하시면 직원이 행사장까지 안내하겠습니다.

5. 초청장

서한 결의문 등 영문 견본 / 95


Yoo Ihn-tae, Secretary General of the National Assembly,

requests the pleasure of your company

at a reception for the 2019 National Assembly Spring Concert

on Tuesday, January 29, 2019 at 19:00

at Room 3 (3rd Fl.), National Assembly Main Building.

R.S.V.P. Parliamentary Diplomacy Division (Tel. 788-4853)

Dress Code Lounge Suit

* Please present this card at the diplomatic entrance of the National Assembly Main

 Building. A staff member will escort you to the venue.

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 96


22차 한미일의원회의 대표단 초청 환송만찬을 아래와 같이 개최하오니

부디 참석하시어 자리를 빛내주시기 바랍니다. 일시: 2017 2 22일 저녁 6 30

장소: 웨스틴조선호텔 코스모스룸

22차 한미일의원회의

대한민국 대표단장 김세연

참석여부: 국제회의과(788-2355, 2867) 복장: 정장

서한 결의문 등 영문 견본 / 97


Kim Se-yeon, the head of the Korean delegation

to the 22nd Korea-US-Japan Trilateral Legislative Exchange Program (TLEP),

requests the pleasure of your company

at a farewell dinner in honor of the TLEP delegates

on Wednesday, February 22, 2017 at 18:30

at Cosmos Room (2nd Fl.), Westin Chosun Seoul.

R.S.V.P. International Conference Division (788-2355, 2867)

Dress Code Lounge Suit

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 98

 근 하 신 년

희망의 새아침이 밝았습니다. 지난해 우리 대한민국은 3·1운동과 대한민국 임시정부 수립

100주년을 맞이하며

새로운 100년의 출발을 알렸습니다. 2020년은 대한민국뿐만 아니라 전 세계가 풍요롭고 희망 가득한

새로운 시대를 향해 함께 전진해 나갈 수 있기를 기원합니다. 새해 복 많이 받으십시오.

 국회의장 문희상 올림


6. 연하장

서한 결의문 등 영문 견본 / 99

Best Wishes for a Happy & Prosperous New Year

A new year of hope has dawned.

Last year, the Republic of Korea embarked on a journey

for the next 100 years, as we marked the centenary

of the Provisional Government as well as the March 1

st Independence Movement.

I hope that the Republic of Korea and countries around the world

will move forward together

toward a more prosperous and hopeful era in the year 2020.

May all your wishes come true in the coming year!

Moon Hee-sang

Speaker of the National Assembly

Republic of Korea

Failing to take a step forward is, in fact, a step backward.

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 100

○ 의장/부의장/상임위원장

▶ 의장부의장

○ ○


National Assembly

Republic of Korea

○ ○

Deputy Speaker National Assembly Republic of Korea

#206 National Assembly Members’ Office Bldg., Office: +82.2.6788.2216

1 Uisadang-no, Yeongdeungpo-gu Fax: +82.2.6788.3256

Seoul, 07233 Republic of Korea ▶ 부의장상임위원장

○ ○

Deputy Speaker

National Assembly

Republic of Korea

○ ○


House Steering Committee

National Assembly Republic of Korea

Tel: +82.2.784.3333 #220 National Assembly

 Fax. +82.2.784.3666 Members’ Office Bldg.,

 1 Uisadang-no, Yeongdeungpo-gu

 Seoul, 07233 Republic of Korea

○ 국회의원

○ ○

Member of the National Assembly

Republic of Korea

#206 National Assembly

Members’ Office Bldg., Office: +82.2.6788.2216

1 Uisadang-no, Yeongdeungpo-gu Fax: +82.2.6788.3256

Seoul, 07233 Republic of Korea

7. 명함

서한 결의문 등 영문 견본 / 101

○ 의원외교협의회



○ ○


Korea-US Inter-Parliamentary Council

 National Assembly Office: +82.2.6788.2418

 Seoul, Republic of Korea

○ ○

Vice President

Korea-US Inter-Parliamentary Council

 National Assembly Office: +82.2.6788.2485

 Seoul, Republic of Korea

▶ 간사장회원

○ ○

Chief Executive Member

Korea-US Inter-Parliamentary Council

National Assembly Office: +82.2.6788.2491

Seoul, Republic of Korea

○ ○


Korea-US Inter-Parliamentary Council

National Assembly Office: +82.2.6788.2138

Seoul, Republic of Korea

○ 의회외교포럼/의원친선협회

▶ 회장부회장


○ ○


Parliamentary Diplomacy Forum on Africa

Office: +82 2 6788 2571

○ ○

Vice President

Korea-Canada Parliamentary Friendship Group

Office: +82 2 6788 2571

▶ 이사회원 ○ ○ ○

Executive Member

Korea-Spain Parliamentary Friendship Group

Office: +82.2.6788.2611

○ ○


Korea-Canada Parliamentary Friendship Group

Office: +82 2 6788 2571

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 102


성명: 김영희

생년월일: 1965 1 8

소속정당: OO

지역구: 서울 강서구()


1985-1989 OOO 대학교 환경공학과 학사

1990-1992 OOO 대학교 정치학 석사

1999-2003 OOO 대학교 산업공학 박사

(해외 학위의 경우 정확한 학위명, 학교명 기재 필요)


2012-현재 제19, 20, 21대 대한민국 국회의원

2012-현재 국회 환경노동위원회 위원

2012 OOO당 원내부대표

2012-2013 국회 운영위원회 위원

2014-2015 OO 당 대변인

2015-현재 OO 당 서울시당 여성위원장

8. 이력서

서한 결의문 등 영문 견본 / 103

Curriculum Vitae

Kim Young-hee

Member of the 21st National Assembly

Republic of Korea

Date of Birth: January 8, 1965

Party Affiliation: OO Party

Electoral District: Gangseo-gu (3rd District), Seoul


1999-2003 Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering, OOO University

1990-1992 M.A in Political Science, OOO University

1985-1989 B.Sc. in Environmental Engineering, OOO University

 (해외학위의 경우 정확한 학위명, 학교명 기재 필요)


2015-Present Chairperson, Women’s Committee, Seoul Metropolitan

City Chapter, OO Party

2014-2015 Spokesperson, OO Party

2012-2013 Member, House Steering Committee, National Assembly

2012 Deputy Floor Leader, OO Party

2012-Present Member, Environment and Labor Committee, National Assembly

2012-Present Member of the 19th

, 20th and 21st National Assembly


정당 및 선거 / 105

. 정당 및 선거

1. 정당

여당: Ruling /Governing Party

집권당: Incumbent Party, Party in Power

야당: Opposition Party

1야당: Main / Major Opposition Party

다수당: Majority Party

소수당: Minority Party

여소야대: Minority Government

군소정당: Minor Party

교섭단체: Parliamentary Group / Caucus

양당제: Two-Party System

다당제: Multi-Party System

정당 연합: Political Alliance, Coalition, Bloc

연립 정부: Coalition Government

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 106

공동 정부:

Government of National Unity (GNU), National Unity Government

동거 정부: Cohabitation Government

보수 정당: Conservative Party

진보 정당: Progressive / Liberal Party

중도 정당: Moderate / Centrist Party, Middle-of-the-Road Party

우파 정당: Right-Wing Party

극우 정당: Far-Right Party

민족주의 정당: Nationalist Party

좌파 정당: Left-Wing Party

극좌 정당: Far-Left Party

중도 우파: Center-Right Party

중도 좌파: Center-Left Party

당파성/ 당파심: Partisanship

정치적 양극화: Political Polarization

초당적 협력/ 지지: Bipartisan Cooperation /Support

정당 규율: Party Discipline

강령: Party Platform

(비례대표) 정당 명부: Party List

정당 및 선거 / 107

분당: Split

합당: Merger

탈당: Defection

계파/ 당파/ 파벌: Faction, Clique

파벌주의: Factionalism

2. 조직 및 직책

당 지도부: Party Leadership, Party Leaders

당대표: Chairperson, Chairman, Chairwoman

원내대표: Floor Leader

원내수석부대표: Chief Deputy Floor Leader

원내부대표: Deputy Floor Leader

최고위원회: Supreme Council

최고위원: Member of the Supreme Council

비상대책위원회: Emergency Leadership Committee

비상대책위원장: Chairman of the Emergency Leadership Committee

운영위원회: Steering Committee

전국여성위원회: National Women’s Committee

여성위원회: Women’s Wing / Committee / Branch / League / Caucus

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 108

전국직능위원회: National Committee on Professional Associations

청년위원회: Youth Wing

대학생위원회: Student Wing

재외국민위원회: Overseas Wing

연구원: Think Tank

전당대회: National / Party Convention

의원총회: Party Caucus

정책위원회: Policy Committee

정책조정위원회: Policy Coordination Committee

선거대책위원회: Election Campaign Committee

사무총장: Secretary General

당대표 비서실장: Chief of Staff to the Chairperson

대변인: Spokesperson

(): Chapter

경기도당 위원장: Chairperson of the Gyeonggi Province Chapter

당직: Party Post / Position

당직자: Party Official

당원: Party Member, Member of the Party

당비: Membership Dues / Fees

정당 및 선거 / 109

3. 한국 정당

. 21대 국회 주요 정당(가나다순) (2020 6월 기준)

국민의당: People’s Party

기본소득당: Basic Income Party

더불어민주당: Democratic Party of Korea

더불어시민당: Citizens’ Party

미래한국당: Future Korea Party

미래통합당: United Future Party

시대전환: Transition Korea

열린민주당: Open Democratic Party

정의당: Justice Party

. 20대 국회 주요 정당 및 정당 연합(가나다순)

국민의당: People’s Party

대안신당: New Alternative Party

더불어민주당: Democratic Party of Korea

더불어시민당: Citizens’ Party

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 110

미래한국당: Future Korea Party

미래통합당: United Future Party

민생당: Minsaeng Party (Party for People’s Livelihoods)

민주평화당: Party for Democracy and Peace

민중당: Minjung Party

바른정당: Bareun Party

바른미래당: Bareunmirae Party

새누리당: Saenuri Party (New Frontier Party)

새로운보수당: New Conservative Party

열린민주당: Open Democratic Party

우리공화당: Our Republican Party

자유한국당: Liberty Korea Party

정의당: Justice Party

친박신당: New Pro-Park Party

평화와 정의의 의원 모임: Alliance for Peace and Justice

한국경제당: Korea Economy Party

정당 및 선거 / 111

. 과거 주요 정당

국민중심당: People First Party

국민통합21: National Alliance 21

근로농민당: Labor Farmers' Party

대통합민주신당: United New Democratic Party

미래희망연대: Future Hope Alliance

민주국민당: Democratic People's Party

민권당: Civil Rights Party

민주공화당: Democratic Republican Party

민주노동당: Democratic Labor Party

민주당: Democratic Party

민주자유당: Democratic Liberal party

민주정의당: Democratic Justice Party

민주통합당: Democratic United Party

민주한국당: Democratic Korea Party

민중민주당: People's Democratic Party

불민당: Buddhist Democratic Party

새정치국민회의: National Congress for New Politics

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 112

새천년민주당: Millennium Democratic Party

선진통일당: Advancement & Unification Party

신민주공화당: New Democratic Republican Party

신정사회당: New Socialist Party of Korea

신한민주당: New Korea Democratic Party

신한국당: New Korea Party

열린우리당: Uri Party

자유당: Liberal Party

자유민족당: Free Nationalist Party

자유민주연합: United Liberal Democrats

자유선진당: Liberty Forward Party

창조한국당: Creative Korea Party

통일국민당: United People's Party

통일민주당: Party for the Reunification and Democracy

통합진보당: United Progressive Party

평화민주당: Party for Peace and Democracy

한국국민당: Korea National Party

한나라당: Grand National Party

희망의한국신당: New Korea Party of Hope

정당 및 선거 / 113

4. 주요국 정당

. 미국

민주당: Democratic Party

공화당: Republican Party (GOP)

상원/ 하원 다수당 원내대표: Senate / House Majority Leader

상원/ 하원 다수당 원내총무: Senate / House Majority Whip

상원/ 하원 소수당 원내대표: Senate / House Minority Leader

상원/ 하원 소수당 원내총무: Senate / House Minority Whip

. 영국

보수당: Conservative Party (CP)

노동당: Labour Party (LP)

스코틀랜드민족당: Scottish National Party (SNP)

자유민주당: Liberal Democrats (LibDems)

민주연합당: Democratic Unionist Party (DUP)

신페인당: Sinn Féin

웨일즈당: Plaid Cymru (Party of Wales)

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 114

사민노동당: Social Democratic and Labor Party

잉글랜드웨일즈녹색당: Green Party of England and Wales

북아일랜드연합당: Alliance Party of Northern Ireland

정무차관: Parliamentary Secretary

여당 원내총무: Government Whip, Chief Whip of the Governing Party

. 일본

자유민주당(자민당): Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)

입헌민주당: Constitutional Democratic Party (CDP)

국민민주당 : Democratic Party for the People (DPP)

공명당: Komeito (Clean Government Party)

일본공산당: Japanese Communist Party (JCP)

일본유신회: Japan Innovation Party (JIP)

사회민주당: Social Democratic Party (SDP)

. 프랑스

전진하는 공화국당: La République En Marche (REM, LRM, LREM)

공화당: The Republicans (LR)

사회당: Socialist Party (PS)

민주운동: Democratic Movement (MoDem)

정당 및 선거 / 115

반항하는 프랑스: France Insoumise (FI)

프랑스공산당: French Communist Party (PCF)

국민연합: National Rally (RN)

환경· 민주· 사회연대: Ecology, Democracy, Solidarity (EDS)

함께 행동: Act Together (Agir Ensemble)

. 중국

공산당: Communist Party of China (CPC)

. 독일

기독교민주연합: Christian Democratic Union (CDU)

기독교사회연합: Christian Social Union (CSU)

사회민주당: Social Democratic Party (SPD)

자유민주당: Free Democratic Party (FDP)

동맹90 /녹색당/ 좌파당: Alliance 90 / The Greens / The Left

독일대안당: Alternative for Germany (AfD)

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 116

. 러시아

통일러시아당: United Russia

공산당: Communist Party of Russian Federation (CPRF)

자유민주당: Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR)

공정러시아: A Just Russia

. 유럽의회 정치그룹

유럽국민당: European People's Party (EPP)

사회민주진보동맹: Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D)

리뉴 유럽: Renew Europe

녹색당· 유럽자유동맹: Greens / European Free Alliance (Greens-EFA)

정체성과 민주주의: Identity and Democracy (ID)


European Conservatives and Reformists Group (ECR)

유럽통합좌파· 북유럽녹색좌파연합:

European United Left-Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL)

정당 및 선거 / 117

5. 선거

선거관리위원회: Election / Electoral Commission

선거 원칙

보통 선거: Universal Vote/Suffrage

직접 선거: Direct Vote

평등 선거: Equal Vote

비밀 선거: Secret Vote

선거 유형

대선: Presidential Election

총선: General Election

지방 선거: Local Election

지자체장 선거:

Municipal and Gubernatorial Election, Election of Mayors and


지방의원 선거: Election of Provincial/Municipal Councilors

보궐 선거: By-Election(영국), Special Election(미국)

중간 선거: Midterm Election

예비 선거: Primary Election, Primary

시차임기 선거: Staggered Election

결선 투표: Runoff Election

국민소환: Recall Election/Referendum/Vote/Petition

국민투표: Referendum

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 118

선거제도(Electoral / Voting System)

단순다수제: First-Past-the-Post (FPTP)

정당명부식 비례대표제: Party-List Proportional Representation (PR)

병립형 비례대표제: Parallel Voting, Mixed Member Majoritarian (MMM)

혼합형 비례대표제: Mixed Member Proportional (MMP)

선호투표제: Preferential/Preference Voting

선거구(Electoral District / Constituency)

대선거구: Multi-Member/-Seat Constituency/District

중선거구: Medium Constituency

소선거구: Single-Member/-Seat Constituency/District

유권자: Voter

선거구민: Constituent, Electorate

지역구: Electoral District

전국구: Nationwide Proportional Seat, At-Large Seat

입후보(Candidacy / Candidature)

입후보자: Candidate

지역구 후보: Electorate/Constituency Candidate

비례대표 후보: List Candidate

기탁금: Election/Nomination Deposit

기탁금 반환 기준 득표율: Deposit Refund Threshold

기탁금 국고 귀속(몰수): Forfeiture/Loss of Deposit

현역 후보: Incumbent/Sitting Candidate

도전자: Challenger

현직 효과/이점: Incumbency Effect/Advantage

인지도: Name Recognition

무주공산 지역구: Open Seat/Contest

정당 및 선거 / 119

여론조사: Opinion Polls, Voting Intention Polls

여론조사 업체: Polling Firm, Pollster

지지율: Poll Ratings/Numbers, Approval Ratings

호감도: Favorability Ratings/Numbers

공천: Nomination

(성별) 할당제: (Gender) Quota

교호순번제(홀짝순번제): Zipper System

여성 과소대표: Under-Representation of Women

선거 운동(Election Campaign)

선거 유세: Campaign Trail

유세팀: Campaign Team

선거 공약: Election Pledge, Policy Promise

선거 공약집: Election Manifesto

선거 홍보물: Campaign Literature

선심성 공약: Populist Pledge

선거 전략: Campaign Strategy

선거 참모: Campaign Strategist

선거 운동원(사무원): Campaign Worker/Volunteer, Campaigner

선거 자금: Campaign Fund/Finance

선거 비용: Campaign Expenses/Costs

국고 보조금: Public Fund/Funding, State Subsidy

선거 연설: Campaign Speech

공개 토론: Public Debate

TV 토론: TV Debate

합동 연설: Joint Election Speech

유력 후보: Front-Runner, Favorite

상대 후보: Opposing Candidate

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 120

중상모략/인신공격: Smear Campaign, Mudslinging

무경쟁 선거구: Unopposed Constituency


조직표: Organized Votes

부동표: Floating/Shifting/Swing Votes

고정표: Solid/Loyal Votes

동정표: Sympathy Votes

여성표: Women's Votes

노인표: Senior Citizens' Votes

노조표: Labor Votes

농촌표: Rural Votes

부재자표: Absentee Votes


참정권: Suffrage, Right to Vote

선거인 명부: Voters List/Roll, Electoral Roll/Register, Poll Book

등록 유권자: Registered Voter

선거 연령: Voting Age

투표율: Voter Turnout

기권: Abstention

개표: Vote Tallying/Counting

재검표: Recount

투표소: Polling Station

기표소: Polling Booth

투표용지: Ballot (Paper)

투표함: Ballot Box

참관인: Voting Witness, Scrutineer, Election Observer

부재자 투표: Absentee Voting

재외국민 투표: Overseas Voting

정당 및 선거 / 121

우편 투표: Postal Voting, Mail-in Voting

사전 투표: Early Voting

무효표: Invalid/Spoiled Vote

유효표: Valid Vote

출구조사: Exit Polls

접전지: Too-Close-to-Call Seat, Tight/Close Race, Key Battleground,

Neck-and-Neck Race

텃밭: Safe Seat, Stronghold

압승: Landslide Victory, Victory by a Large Margin/a Landslide

신승: Victory by a Narrow Margin, Win (v.) by a Nose

당선 소감: Victory Speech

승복 연설: Concession Speech

(의원) 교체율: Turnover Rate

부정 선거(Election / Electoral Fraud, Vote Rigging)

선거법 위반: Election Law Violation

유세 방해: Campaign Obstruction

사전 선거운동:

Illegal Campaigning before the Official Campaign Period

매표(매수): Vote Buying

뇌물 공여/수수: Bribery

유권자 위협: Intimidation of Voters

무더기 표: Ballot Stuffing, Ballot-Box Stuffing

허위정보 유포: Dissemination/Spread of Disinformation

명예 훼손: Libel, Slander

대리 투표: Proxy Voting, Voting by Proxy

금권 선거: Bankrolled/Moneyed Election

호별 방문: Door-to-Door/House-to-House Canvassing


행정부 사법부 지방자치 / 123

. 행정부 · 사법부 · 지방자치

1. 대통령

대통령 비서실: Office of the President

대통령 비서실장: Chief of Staff

• 총무비서관: Secretary to the President for Administrative Affairs

• 의전비서관: Secretary to the President for Protocol

• 제1부속실비서관: Private Secretary to the President

• 제2부속실비서관: Private Secretary to the First Lady

• 기획비서관: Secretary to the President for Planning

• 연설비서관: Secretary to the President for Speeches

• 국정기록비서관: Secretary to the President for Records

• 정무수석: Senior Secretary to the President for Political Affairs

• 국민소통수석: Senior Secretary to the President for Public Relations

• 민정수석: Senior Secretary to the President for Civil Affairs

• 시민사회수석: Senior Secretary to the President for Relations

with Non-Governmental Organizations

• 인사수석: Senior Secretary to the President for Personnel Affairs

정책실장: National Policy Advisor

• 경제보좌관: Advisor to the President for the Economy

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 124

• 과학기술보좌관:

Advisor to the President for Science and Technology

• 일자리수석: Senior Secretary to the President for Employment

• 경제수석: Senior Secretary to the President for Economic Affairs

• 사회수석: Senior Secretary to the President for Social Affairs

국가안보실: Office of National Security

국가안보실장: National Security Advisor

• 국가위기관리센터: National Crisis Management Center

대통령 경호처: Presidential Security Service

대통령 경호처장: Chief of the Presidential Security Service

대통령 직속기관

국가정보원: National Intelligence Service

감사원: Board of Audit and Inspection

방송통신위원회: Korea Communications Commission

국가인권위원회: National Human Rights Commission of Korea

2. 국무총리·행정부

국무조정실: Office of Government Policy Coordination

국무총리 비서실: Office of the Prime Minister

국가보훈처: Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs

인사혁신처: Ministry of Personnel Management

행정부 사법부 지방자치 / 125

법제처: Ministry of Government Legislation

식품의약품안전처: Ministry of Food and Drug Safety

공정거래위원회: Fair Trade Commission

금융위원회: Financial Services Commission

국민권익위원회: Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission

원자력안전위원회: Nuclear Safety and Security Commission

기획재정부: Ministry of Economy and Finance

국세청: National Tax Service

관세청: Korea Customs Service

조달청: Public Procurement Service

통계청: Statistics Korea

교육부: Ministry of Education

과학기술정보통신부: Ministry of Science and ICT

외교부: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

통일부: Ministry of Unification

법무부: Ministry of Justice

검찰청: Supreme Prosecutors' Office

국방부: Ministry of National Defense

병무청: Military Manpower Administration

방위사업청: Defense Acquisition Program Administration

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 126

행정안전부: Ministry of the Interior and Safety

경찰청: Korean National Police Agency

소방청: National Fire Agency

문화체육관광부: Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism

문화재청: Cultural Heritage Administration

농림축산식품부: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

산림청: Korea Forest Service

농촌진흥청: Rural Development Administration

산업통상자원부: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

특허청: Korean Intellectual Property Office

보건복지부: Ministry of Health & Welfare

환경부: Ministry of Environment

기상청: Korea Meteorological Administration

고용노동부: Ministry of Employment and Labor

여성가족부: Ministry of Gender Equality and Family

국토교통부: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport


National Agency for Administrative City Construction

새만금개발청: Saemangeum Development and Investment Agency

해양수산부: Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries

해양경찰청: Korea Coast Guard

중소벤처기업부: Ministry of SMEs and Startups

행정부 사법부 지방자치 / 127

3. 대법원

대법원: Supreme Court of Korea

대법원장: Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

대법관: Justice of the Supreme Court

법원행정처: Ministry of the National Court Administration

사법연수원: Judicial Research and Training Institute

사법정책연구원: Judicial Policy Research Institute

법원공무원교육원: Training Institute for Court Officials

법원도서관: Supreme Court Library

양형위원회: Sentencing Commission

고등법원: High Court

특허법원: Patent Court

지방법원: District Court

가정법원: Family Court

행정법원: Administrative Court

군사법원: Military Court

지원: Branch Court

· 군법원: Municipal Court

의회외교 영문 표기집 / 128

4. 헌법재판소

헌법재판소: Constitutional Court of Korea

헌법재판소장: President of the Constitutional Court

재판관: Justice

재판관 회의: Council of Justices

헌법재판연구원: Constitutional Research Institute

헌법연구관: Constitutional Rapporteur Judge

헌법연구관보: Assistant Constitutional Rapporteur Judge

헌법연구원: Constitutional Researcher

헌법재판소 도서관: Constitutional Court Library

사무처: Court Administration


특별시: Special Metropolitan City

광역시: Metropolitan City

특별자치시: Special Autonomous City

: Province

5. 지방자치

행정부 사법부 지방자치 / 129

특별자치도: Special Autonomous Province

: City

: Gun (County)

: Gu (District)

: Eup Myeon Dong Ri

세종특별자치시: Sejong Special Autonomous City


시장: Mayor

행정부시장: Vice Mayor for Administrative Affairs

정무부시장: Vice Mayor for Political Affairs

도지사: Governor

행정부지사: Vice Governor for Administrative Affairs

정무부지사: Vice Governor for Political Affairs

경제부지사: Vice Governor for Economic Affairs

군수: Head of Gun (County)

구청장: Head of Gu (District)


기 타 / 131

. 기 타

1. 공무원 직위 및 직급


장관 처장: Minister

청장: Administrator

차관: Vice Minister

차장(청의 차장): Deputy Administrator

차관보: Deputy Minister

실장· 국장· 부장: Director General

심의관: Deputy Director-General

과장: Director

담당(계장): Deputy Director


고위공무원: Senior Official, Senior Civil Servant

관리관(1): Grade 1 Official

이사관(2): Grade 2 Official

부이사관(3): Grade 3 Official

서기관(4): Grade 4 Official

사무관(5): Grade 5 Official

주사(6): Grade 6 Official

주사보(7): Grade 7 Official

서기(8): Grade 8 Official

서기보(9): Grade 9 Official

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공무원의 종류

경력직 공무원:

Public Official in Career Service, Career Official, Careerist

• 일반직: General Service

• 특정직: Special Service

• 기능직: Technical Skill Service

특수 경력직 공무원:

Public Official in Non-Career Service, Non-Career Official

• 정무직: Political Appointee Service

• 별정직: Extraordinary Civil Service

• 계약직: Contracted Service

• 일반 계약직: General Contracted Service

• 전문 계약직: Specialized Contracted Service

• 고용직: Labor Service

2. 조약

조약의 유형

조약: Treaty

헌장: Charter

규약: Covenant

규정: Statute

협약: Convention

협정: Agreement, Accord

의정서: Protocol

선택의정서: Optional Protocol

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교환각서: Exchange of Notes

양해각서: Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

합의각서: Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)

양해록: Record of Understanding (ROU)

의향서: Letter of Intent (LOI)

부속서: Annex

가서명: Initialing

서명: Signature

조인국: Signatory

당사국: State Party

유보: Reservation

비준: Ratification

비준서: Instrument of Ratification

가입서: Instrument of Accession

수락서: Instrument of Acceptance

승인서: Instrument of Approval

기탁: Deposit

수탁자: Depositary

잠정 발효: Provisional Entry into Force

발효: Entry into Force

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3. 비자 및 여권

. 비자 종류

사용 횟수 기준

1: Single-Entry Visa

2: Double-Entry Visa

복수: Multiple-Entry Visa

여행 목적 기준

입국 비자: Entry Visa

통과 비자: Transit Visa

발급 방식 기준

도착 비자: Visa on Arrival (VOA), On-Arrival Visa

전자 비자: Electronic Visa

. 여권 종류

사용 횟수 기준

단수 여권: Single Passport

복수 여권: Multiple Passport

발급 대상 기준

일반 여권: Passport

관용 여권: Official Passport

외교관 여권: Diplomatic Passport

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. 비자 노트용 방문 목적 견본

입법자료 수집:

 To collect legislative information on the U.S. Congress in

Washington D.C. from May 1 to 25, 2019

의회제도 시찰:

 To study the American legislative system in Washington D.C.

from May 1 to 15, 2019

연수 프로그램 참가(미 상원 법제실 초청):

 To participate in the training program provided by the Office of

the Legislative Counsel of the U.S. Senate in Washington D.C.

from March 1 to July 31, 2018

국제회의 참석(IPU 주관):

 To attend the international conference organized by the IPU in

New York from March 14 to 17, 2019

미국 의회 방문:

 To visit the U.S. Congress in Washington D.C. from May 1 to 10, 2019

주재관 부임(워싱턴 입법관):

 To assume the post of a legislative attaché at the Embassy of the

Republic of Korea in Washington D.C. from March 1, 2019 to

February 28, 2021

유학(오리건대 경제학 전공):

 To study Economics at the University of Oregon from September 1,

2019 to May 28, 2021

의회외교 영문 표기집

발 행 국회사무처

편 집 국제국 의회외교총괄과

 ☎ (02)6788-2355, 2867

발행일 2020 7

인 쇄 국회발간실
